Welcome To Greyhound Ranch Adoptions, Inc.
Greyhound Ranch Adoptions, Inc, and Pawdners is a 501(c)(3), non-profit, greyhound adoption organization located in Central Florida. The fundamental mission of the Ranch is to provide shelter and medical care to greyhounds that have retired from racing activities. Our mission is achieved by providing foster care and rehabilitation programs for these beautiful canines as they transition from the life of a regimented trained athlete to a household pet. The Ranch is also dedicated to readying the greyhound for adoption by great parents into qualified homes and educating the public regarding the history and development of the greyhound breed. Read the article in Central Florida Lifestyle Magazine about us!

Our number one goal is to place our greyhounds into homes that are right for our greyhounds and that they are right for you and your lifestyle. We detox each greyhound when we take them in and place each one on a regiment of supplements to ensure optimal health. Additionally, every dog is thoroughly screened for health issues and to ensure that his/her individual personality is matched to the prospective adopter’s needs. If you have another pet, we make sure the greyhound you bring home is compatible with all pets in the home. We want you and your greyhound to feel that you are a perfect match. It’s as simple as that.
Greyhound Ranch is a no-kill shelter; we will keep greyhounds until they are adopted no matter how long they end up residing with us and patiently waiting for the right person to take them home. If you want to adopt a greyhound, please do not hesitate to contact us. We are here to answer your questions and find the right companion for you. Because, after all, the more of these gentle lovable creatures we can help, the better it is for everyone.
Don’t forget to like us on Facebook! Our Facebook page is a celebration of greyhound adoption. We love sharing photos of our adopted hounds. What better way is there to advertise about how GREYT greyhounds are!