Volunteer Application

Greyhound Ranch Adoptions, Inc. is an all-volunteer organization. There are no paid employees!! Therefore, we totally depend upon our volunteers to keep us going. There are many reasons why people choose to work for a non-profit or advocacy organization. Sometimes people have a personal experience that brings them into a specific volunteer effort while others want to “give something” back to their community based on what they have read or heard.
We are always willing and happy to have people join our efforts. We are looking for people who share our philosophy about greyhound adoption and who are willing to work on behalf of the dogs. We do not ask people to work for us (the humans) but to work on behalf of the dogs. We appreciate all of the help we get no matter how small the job. Without all of the working parts, our organization will not survive and flourish. We only have two requirements:

You must be serious about your volunteer commitments. Although we are a volunteer organization, we are accountable to the public for what we do. We must have volunteers who make promises they can keep. We appreciate a volunteer who agrees to do a job and follows through on the commitment. Therefore, please think about what you are capable of doing and volunteer only what you can and have time to do! We – and the dogs – will be depending on you!
We want volunteers who are willing to work within our guidelines. We want all of our volunteers to be on the same page when we educate the public about greyhounds. We require that all volunteers go through a brief orientation so that that we have consistency in our work. For instance, our group is racing neutral to pro-racing. We must all adhere to this policy and not get caught up in the politics of the racing industry. We are here to serve the dogs first and foremost.
Please complete our volunteer application and let us know what your special talents and interests are. We are always open to suggestions!
ATTENTION! We have a kennel and can always use volunteers to walk dogs or clean kennels. We are located in central Florida. To qualify, you must live within twenty miles of our location. If you live in a state other than Florida, we are limited in the number of volunteer positions that you can qualify for. Please check for greyhound adoption groups near you. There are many that could use your help! THANK YOU!!!